All your donations go directly to the Syrian people
We provide housing to families with disabled members with health & education services.
Providing Monetary assistance to EARTHQUAKE victims.
Any questions, please call us at: +1-571-328-3856
Aid All Syrians is a Nonprofit 501 (c)(3) Charity Organization
and your donations are tax deductible.
(Tax-ID 45-3070190)
For all programs Please Mail donation checks to:
Aid All Syrians
PO Box: 523079
Springfield, VA 22152-5079
OR use Zelle to send cash using the following address:
Aid All Syrians
As a result of the last military campaign on Idlib, our headquarter in KUFER ROMA was occupied by the Russians, the Iranian militias and the regime.
So, we moved our operations to the Turkish border and we established :

Education Services
THE FREEDOM High & Middle School for 700 Female students in Idlib.

Education Services
Moreen elementary school in Idlib for 300 Male & Female students.

We have 300 VERY needy families which we provide them with MONTHLY financial payments.
Our goal is to add another 100 families for the coming summer & winter seasons.
Also, we are working now on establishing new Medical centers next to the border to serve the displaced families there.

Walid Hafez

Hana Hafez
Vice President

Amin Kakeh

Nabil Hafez
Founding Member

Hannah Hafez
Board Member
Aid All Syrians is a Nonprofit 501 (c)(3) Charity Organization established in 2011.
(Tax-ID 45-3070190)
By providing basic services such as clinics and education, we can keep Syrians from becoming refugees.
We believe that the Syrian people are entitled to the basics of life and a bright future. The children of Syria have sacrificed their childhood during this crisis. Our goal is to provide Syrians with clinics for medical care, primary schools for education and, in the future, orphanages for displaced/orphaned Syrian children.
All the money you donate goes directly to the Syrian people. All overhead costs (flights, room & board, etc.) are covered out of pocket by the board members.

Contact US
Aid All Syrians
PO Box 523079
Springfield, VA 22152-5079
Tel: +1 (571)328-3856
Copyright © 2016, All rights reserved by Aid All Syrians, Inc.